Responses of the research projects to the challenges in health care
34 research teams discussed the results of their research projects and their contributions to a smarter healthcare in Switzerland.
After four years of research, the 34 projects of NPF 74 have generated a multitude of research results. These are to be communicated not only individually as scientific articles, but also together as answers to important challenges in the Swiss health care system. At the third internal programme conference of the NRP 74 on October 21, 2020, the steering committee presented the concepts of the six planned partial syntheses to the 34 research teams on the following topics: Quality of health care, patient choice, coordination and care models, costs and reimbursement, health care data and building a strong research community (EHCL+).
More than one hundred participants exchanged views on how their research projects can contribute to these six topics. The responsible synthesis groups - consisting of members of the steering committee and representatives of the (young) researchers – will process the findings into synthesis reports and policy briefs. These will be discussed with stakeholders of the Swiss health care system in 2021. The resulting recommendations will be presented to the Swiss population and to political decision-makers in 2022 at a final synthesis conference.