
NRP 74 "Smarter Health Care" is investigating the structures and utilisation of health care services in Switzerland to tackle the practical challenges of caring for the chronically ill.

The Swiss health system is often considered to be among the best health systems worldwide as some indicators such as high life expectancy, number of health professionals and patient satisfaction show. However, there are also challenges. The aging population and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases requires a shift from a health care system that is focused on dealing with acute illnesses to a system that is geared to prevention and health promotion as well as to more long-term, patient-centred and integrated care.

The main goals of the new NRP are to provide insights into the health care structure and utilisation in Switzerland, and into ways of improving health outcomes with a particular focus on prevention and the treatment of chronic conditions.

In addition, the NRP aims at contributing to improved availability, accessibility, linkage and comparability of health data. Thereby, health services research can contribute to improving diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic services und their utilisation. The NRP also targets the creation of a strong community of health services researchers that conduct world-leading research in this area.

On 24 June 2015, the Swiss National Science Foundation was mandated by the Federal Council to carry out NRP "Smarter Health Care" (NRP 74). The programme is operating with an overall budget of CHF 20 million and will run for 5 years.